Research Interest
I am currently researching Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) for next-generation communication technology. My work spans a broad range of topics, including Wireless Communication, Estimation Theory, Information Theory, Signal Processing, and Deep Learning.
Integrated Sensing and Communication:
(1) Finding theoretical tradeoff at low SNR for bi-static Integrated Sensing and Communication with Dr. Besma Smida
(2) Finding operating points and tradeoff for mono-static Integrated Sensing and Communication in the case of multiple targets without transmit channel state information with Simone Di Bari, Besma Smida, Natasha Devroye, and Daniela Tuninetti
Wireless Communication:
(3) Secondary Communication Signal Recovery Under Severe Interference with Dr. Besma Smida
6G Revolution
(4) Mixed-Domain Wireless Design for 6G Communications and Sensing in FR3 Bands (in Collaboration with Rice University & Aalto University)